Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal#12- Antigone

Journal #12: Anouilh bombards his audience with conflicting ideas, phrases, images..choose a set of concepts: yes vs no, ugly vs pretty, truth vs lies, illusions vs reality, dull vs color...discuss how and why Anouilh creates the tension between the contrasting ideas.

Anouilh creates the contrasting idea of ugly vs. pretty with the use of child life elements such as imagery. There are a lot of references to children and youthful things. This creates a sense of beauty and innocence whereas the ugly contrasting part is created through Antigone repeating that she is ugly. These two contrast because although people tell her she is beautiful, she believes that she is ugly. Antigone thinks that Ismene is the one that is much more beautiful than her and I feel like she is jealous of her. I also think that it lowers her sense of power and how she feels about herself. Because she feels bad about herself she lowers herself and seems to be a weaker person than Ismene although they are both pretty. It creates tension between the contrasting ideas because both are in disagreement and lowers the power of somebody. 

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