I will be mimicking page 12 for the structure and the arrangement of the narrative voice and quotations. The dialect that I am going to mainly use is the New Jersey accent, her name is Joy Zee, and the second character is going to have an average American accent, while being the lady at the register.
Joisey Dialect Rules:
- Instead of using an l and then a consonant it is replaced with a "w". For example "talk" is "tawk".
- When you have a vowel and then an "r", replace it with "oi", For example: "Jersey" is "Joisey".
- Double "t"s are replaced with a "d". For example: "city" is "cidy".
- The "t" isn't emphasized and just roll out of your mouth.
- The "a"s are emphasized for a long time. For example: "carry" is "caaary".
- The "cc"s are usually used as "x"s. For example: "accent" is "axent".
- The "r" are not said and just roll of your tongue. For example: "Water" is "Wadda".
Joy Zee's Woist Nightmeah ( Joy Zee's Worst Nightmare)
Joy neatly parked her car outside her favorite beauty salon, but noticed something different. The salon was now under new management. She casually walked in, experiencing the new salon like a child in a candy store.
Joy: "Hey, iis anyone heah? I have an appointmend at Siix! My naim is Joy, last naim Zee. I'm a fwequent customah, I'm sho my naim's in de boooik."
Lady at register: "Yes, hello" she said with a big fake smile on her face." I see your name right here, Joy Zee" while pointing to the appointment book, still holding the fake smile on her face. " Feel free to look at any hair styles we have here".
Joy: " Deats fiiine" she slowly turned away to take a seat until her name was called. She quietly but anxiously flipped through hairstyle magazines until she found one that she was interested in. "OOOOOOOOOO" she awed, then stood up to tell the lady at the register to see if she could possibly have it done. " Hey, Ah wuz just wondehing if this heahstile, maibe could possibleh be done?" Joy stood there emotionally, waiting for the answer to be "yes".
Lady at the register: The lady still with the fake smile she had been holding, looked at her and sympathetically said to her " I'm so sorry Joy, but since we have been under new management, well, nothing is the same anymore. We do not offer these kind of hairstyles. We are professionals. Not girls that throw make-up on their faces and play dress-up. Sorry". Mocking Joy's choice of fashion, she cynically inspected her outfit.
Joy: Furious, raging she made a big show for the rest around her. " AHHH, yew think yew are some...some...GIIIRL.... Yew do NOT kno meh like deat" Quickly and ferociously she turns around and asks the customer near her " Sweety, hold mah extenshions, I'm not goin' to leave no place until this little snot has what sheh desoivs". With her scrunched up face she mummbles to herself and nods along with it.
Lady at the register: Confused and scared she walks backwards and bumps into the desk, leaving her trapped and having no choice but to settle this. " OK I think we are getting a little out of hand. I am sure we can settle this. Umm, how about I tawk, sorry talk, with my manager and ask her what we can do. How does that sound?"
Joy: Joy stopped taking the extentions out of her hair and looked at her once more. " Yew know? I am jus' going to leeeve and get my heah done somewheah else!" she glances once more at her hand to see the how her hand is full of extentions. Joy headed towards the door, while without caution tries to gather her stuff. " I am nevah evah com-"
The salon never heard of Joy after this incident. Joy fortunately found her salon heaven in Newark.